Hello there! This is a blog where as a dog and cat veterinarian I will be trying my best to give you useful pet-care and pet-health veterinary advice so you have the knowledge to enjoy the best life with your four-legged partner possible! Since this is the first blog post of many more to come I know almost nobody will read this but in case you are one of the few who will, I am so so happy to have you.
It doesn’t look like much yet, but I hope with time it will become a trustworthy source of easy straight-forward information from a professional of dog and cat’s health where anyone can come to when needing help with the care of their furry babies.
What you will find in this blog
By starting this blog I am seeking to help any pet owners like I am myself, like my family and friends, my patient’s owners and you, who are willing enough to do your research in order to give your pets the best care possible so you and your pet can have the happiest and longest life together.
I will be trying my best to give you easy-access veterinary advice on all the pet-care and pet-health related topics I can think of: from basic care and grooming skills to tips on choosing the best pet products or even simple insights to the most common issues diagnosed in the vet clinic on a daily basis so you can learn how to identify their signs or prevent them.
I hope I can make you feel more confident when making decisions such as: when you need to take your pet needs to a vet or when you can help them yourself, what to prioritize regarding preventive care or grooming, what to take into account when choosing your pet’s supplies for your home, their travelling and walking accessories or their diet, what to prioritize your budget on and so much more! I will try to approach all these topics that are decisive on our pets health and life and about which we, as pet owners, have so many questions we want to answer but are constantly being influenced or given misleading tips on the media and online.
Why Care like a Vet?
As a general veterinary practitioner I am surprised by how many times the following situation happens. A family will see something wrong with their pet or even just want to be more informed about something related to their care, they will go online with their best intentions to find answers and end up trying this crazy “home-made remedy” or taking “best training advice” that not only does not help those animals but makes their issues even worse.
I can’t remember how many times I’ve been frustrated with ourselves as professionals for not being able to give the owners enough information but at the same time understood exactly why this happens. It’s easy for us vets to tell the owners what they should be or not be doing in a veterinary check-up or regarding a specific issue but when the owner is home with their pet 24/7 they come up with so many good questions and doubts that they can’t be asking their vet daily which results in them doing an online search and most of the time ending up in poorly-informed and not professional sources that give awful advice.
When this happens (and believe me, it’s more often than you’d think) I, as a professional, always think to myself “I wish there was a source I could trust and was informative enough I could direct these pet owners to so they could get some more in-depth information about this specific problem their pet is facing or how to do this procedure on their pet that I need them to do everyday for his treatment”. And that is because, realistically speaking, in a veterinary visit there is so much information you want to give the owners and there’s a whole lot of owners who are more than willing to learn anything and do everything in their power to help their animals in the best way but that is not always doable with a full agenda and emergencies coming in.
Even if you do have time to teach them “how to do a thorough preventive ear clean” or “how to train their puppy not to pull the lead and chose the best harness for them” or even “when they should deworm their dog, apply external parasite treatment and vaccinate them according to their specific age, breed and living surroundings” sometimes they would really appreciate if you could give those instructions in a form they could consult and go back to everytime they needed.
So, to wrap up this post, and specially if you are still here after all this rambling, I just wanted to say hi and give you a warm welcome if by any reason you’re stumbling upon this page. I really appreciate you being here and accompanying me on this adventure I’ve been dreaming of and working hard on for so long. I can’t wait to try my best to teach you to care for your furry babies like a vet would!
Please don’t hesitate to leave a comment if there’s a specific topic about pet care you’d like to have in depth veterinary advice about! There is so much to cover and I’d love to read your requests to make the most popular topics my priority!
Special acknowledgements
Lastly, I can’t finish without aknowledging some of my helpers, here’s Poppy checking my grammar on this post:

Here’s Pippo making sure I don’t work past his dinner time:
And here’s Olivia patiently waiting for me to finish to go on her afternoon walk:

Thank you for embracing the fur-covered life with me!